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Showing posts from January 16, 2015
FAMILY POLITIC 1.   I'm really attracted with Mohd Puad Zarkashi's explanation that it's not possible for politic practice or dynasty to happen easily in UMNO. 2.   The reason is UMNO's law has been amended to allow 146,000 delegates will chose who will be going to general meeting and not the delegates that small in number will chose. 3.   Divisions are different sizes. There are divisions ten times bigger than the other. 4.    Taken into consideration are not number of delegates vote but number of divisions nominate and appoint. Number of division is actually less than number of delegates going to general meeting. Voters will not increased but reduced. 5.     Previously, some divisions don't have power, but now more powerful than the delegates. 6.     I was chosen by Tun Hussein who is not my family to become Deputy Prime Minister. Those who chose me to become Deputy UMNO President are delegates chosen to general mee...