BETRAYED UMNO 1. Never been any citizen or foreigners ever expected, imagined or predicted about what happened in this blessed nation. 2. When we were fighting for independent. our leaders and rakyat believed that their chosen leader will behave as nationalist and will sacrifice for the nation, rakyat and their wellness. That's why they accepted without any questions the democracy system, the very system that gives them right to chose Government. 3. As expected, their chosen leaders didn't disappoint them. Nation developed and people lived in harmonious way than before. 4. Prime ministers didn't create many problems. They resign when their time ends. Demonstration to remove prime minister never happened. 5. Tun Abdullah too resigned when GE12 performance is not good. He resigned when became clear that rakyat no longer supports him. Najib too urged he resigned and then he replaced him. 6. Rakyat relieved. This is ...