PASSIVE SYMPATHY Once upon a time, a poor man had been severely punished by nature. A big flood had washed all his properties away. He was sitting very disappointedly in a corner crying. A passer by came to him and asked him the reason. The wretched man narrated him the whole catastrophe that had happened to his life. He also said, "Now I am left with a poor wife and five half grown children of different ages who have got nothing to eat." He then asked the passer by for some money so that they could get something to eat. The passer by still sharing the sympathy with that poor man, said' "Look friend! I shall be with you in crying as long as you are satisfied. Just don't ask for help! SIMPATI PASIF Pada suatu masa dahulu, seorang lelaki miskin telah dihukum oleh bencana alam. Sebuah banjir besar telah musnahkan kesemua hartanya. Orang miskin itu menjadi sangat kecewa dan duduk menangis di tepi sebuah kawasan. Seorang asing yang sedang melalui kawa...