UMNO AND DAP 1. Many UMNO members felt aggrieved and uncomfortable seeing Kit Siang and DAP sitting on the same stage with UMNO's new and old leaders. 2. Why would UMNO members and its leaders willing to be with DAP and Kit Siang? 3. Same questions were asked by DAP members and its leaders who hates and hostile especially to me as former UMNO leader since DAP was established. 4. Many find it difficult to accept that figures from these two hostile parties attended and signed declaration rejecting Najib, not attending as member and leader of political party or motion but they attended as "citizen", as Malaysian citizen who are worried the effect of Najib's action as Prime Minister of Malaysia. 5. To UMNO leaders, if UMNO stayed as before and all channels to stop wrong doings would remain open, solution would be available in the party. But Najib has closed all these channels. UMNO members right, UMNO General Meeting, UMNO Supreme Coun...