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1)   I wish thank you because there are UMNO grassroot members who advised me not to 'attack' Dato' Sri Najib, UMNO President and Prime Minister of Malaysia.

2)   I have little experience in politics, especially those related to Malay culture. We tend to be loyal to the leader. We never question anything done by the leader. He is the leader, we are the follower. Therefore, just follow. Especially, when we are given a closed door explaination, as though we are able to share the secrets with our leader.

3)   But, for us to make decision or to judge with smartness, fairness, we need to hear to both sides.

4)   If anyone thinks that I want to damage the party, I hope I'll be given a chance to explain why I 'attack' Dato' Sri Najib. To me, this 'attack' may have caused uneasiness to Najib and part of UMNO members but it's because I want to save UMNO, a party that used to get support and win 2/3 in every GE.

5)   Only those can't see will not realise that UMNO under Dato' Sri Najib has failed to improve UMNO after Tun Abdullah. Najib's victory is slimmer.

6)   I hope I'll be given a chance to meet with UMNO members to explain about the missing of billions of Ringgit by Dato' Sri Najib. After hearing to both sides, then judge my 'attack'. Am I damaging the party or trying to save it.

Source : Chedet blog
Written by : Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Date written : 30th April 2014
Link :
Translated by : Teratai Melur


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